social enterprise, charity work, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, social support, senior welfare, disability, aged care, charity work, senior safety, social enterprise, food security,. food aid, multicultural, cultural food
This April, Beehivers and Beehive volunteers were treated to the first service of the Global Bistro for 2024.
For the first Global Bistro of the year, we featured Brazilian and Russian food. Beehiver Emiliya, who has been attending Beehive Industries for nearly two decades contributed a well-loved recipe from her home country. Ellen, a member of our kitchen staff, also shared recipes from her home country in Brazil.
We also got to share our Global Bistro with our numerous volunteers who were attending Beehive to help us with our work with Legacy to prepare rosemary for Anzac Day. They were able to learn about our Beehivers and their stories through these delicious meals. Emiliya and Ellen prepared a Brazilian carrot cake for morning tea, and a hearty Russian beetroot soup and Brazilian dessert called Pave for lunch.
Congratulations to Chef Linda, Emiliya and Ellen for their first delicious and successful Global Bistro day of the year!
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